Softcover edition of the 140-page 6"x9" Downcrawl 2E Rulebook: color cover with black-and-white interior, plus immediate access to the current playtest draft of the rules. *Shipping will be collected post campaign in the Pledge Manager.*
Just the Downcrawl Deck and Even Deeper Deck: 72 cards and nearly 1,600 wild prompts for underground adventures! *Shipping will be collected post campaign in the Pledge Manager.*
The 140-page 6"x9" Downcrawl 2E rulebook in softcover, and the Downcrawl Deck cards containing nearly 800 evocative prompts (plus rules for a standalone worldbuilding game). *Shipping will be collected post campaign in the Pledge Manager.*
An expanded hardcover of the Downcrawl 2E rulebook, with 30 extra pages of worldbuilding tips, examples, and sample locations, plus your choice of covers and the Downcrawl Deck cards! *Shipping will be collected post campaign in the Pledge Manager.*
Adds the Even Deeper Deck (a full set of extra-weird additional prompts), a spiral-bound reference guide for players or GMs, and the Index Bookmark. *Shipping will be collected post campaign in the Pledge Manager.*
Adds all four add-ons at a discounted price! The Encounter Deck for on-the-fly story-based encounters; the Adventure Zine with an intriguing mini-campaign; blank Folk and Volume template cards; and a pile of metal Tack coins. *Shipping will be collected post campaign in the Pledge Manager.*
You are a resplendent patron of the roleplaying arts. Everything above PLUS extra copies of the Delver's Guide, Downcrawl dice, a carrying pouch, an NPC created in your honor, and more. *Shipping will be collected post campaign in the Pledge Manager.*